The Betterverse
The metaverse is still restricted, but it is rapidly progressing. We are increasingly spending more time in dynamic virtual worlds, which provides new opportunities for commerce, creativity and community-building for brands, including fashion brands. The expanding influence of the metaverse on fashion is about pushing boundaries and bringing virtual elements into the physical world. We should not try to separate the digital and physical worlds or withdraw into virtual worlds.
The metaverse helps physical worlds and stores evolve, but it does not make them less valuable. We remain humans in a physical world. The metaverse includes virtual and physical worlds. Physical stores will offer a different type of valuefor consumers and be more experiential by offering content, trust, and a stage to create physical and digital content. Brands can change stores into living media channels.
When determining whether to experiment with digital fashion, brands should consider:
Our current position
The position in which we want to be in the digital fashion market when it expands
Ways I can express my ideas in the new environment
Establishing a metaverse strategy demands a deep understanding of how the space is evolving and careful alignment with your business goals and brand identity.
Brands should also generate conversation about technology to make their use more effective because devices are becoming more accessible to the average consumer. Virtual reality and augmented reality glasses will be sold in the public marketplace in a few years. Snapchat and Facebook are currently in the process of producing their version of the technology.